letting go

Ironically, somethings you want to be part of your life stop you from living it. Blinding you from the opportunities that fling themselves at you unfulfilled and unnoticed. I like to believe that everything happens for a reason, but this theory confusingly leaves me wondering, did I meet you for a reason? or did you leave me for a reason? But after circles of un answerable inconveniences in my mind (when I definitaly could have been spending all that energy on something more productive) I convince myself that perhaps.. actually, for sure! Both. Which hangs me from my toes and saturates me with hope that I met you and then you were gone, and that is precisely what was suppose to happen for my own benefit, now and in the future. Giving me the assurence to live my life the way it comes, looking forward, but never waiting, happy but healthily unsatisfied, with faith in uncontrollable happenings, today I will not forget, but appreciate and accept, I will not worry but believe, I ...