
Showing posts from May, 2015


Have you ever felt like you have so much to say that nothing comes out, or you are so tired you can't sleep? Maybe, your thoughts are so loud you have to keep silent to keep up or you're gonna explode! So many questions that can't be answered, so many lies that can't be made up for. So many decisions you can't decide, so little hours, yet hour long seconds. Filled pages, empty lines. Feelingless emotions, emotional words. What an organised mess these days have turned out to be. Do you ever feel so damaged? Find yourself lost? Good. It's called life :)


Somewhere between my head and heart there's an entire universe waiting to be discovered, but the worst part is no ones knows it's there and as hard as I try it's impossible to explain.


Never hold on too tight. The harder you pull, the quicker you fall when you're forced apart. It's simple physics. 

Big M or Oak?

Love is like.... You can get chocolate topping and milk, or chocolate milk. Weather your meant to be or made to be doesn't matter because, if you put in the effort it tastes good in the end no matter what.


Completely psycho, Utterly insane, Majorly high, Truly happy.


Silence to me is one of the most unique things in life. Being silent. Even though some days you struggle to not speak for 30 seconds, you all know what I mean. Not just literally not speaking but being silent and calm within your self. Have you ever been laying in bed thinking about something so hard and next thing you know, you find yourself waking up the next morning? Well, that's what I mean. Being so silent and caught up in the moment, the world fades away and before you know it hours have passed. Sometimes silence puts me to sleep, other times it keeps me awake, sometimes silence screams louder than all the crazy thoughts running through my head, But the best kind of silence is just silence. Simply being so empty everything floats away, even the silence.