some summer

Let’s be real. New years day, is just another day, like the 1st of Feb or March, but for some senseless, conformable reason it’s an inspiration. A motive for new beginnings and a door to endless opportunity. The thrill of knowing the unpredictable could potentially or inevitably change the direction of the future and the rest of your life, scares some, but to me, provokes excitement and possibility. With this in mind, I am writing not my new years resolution, not my plans or my goals, what I want to achieve or who I want to be, but documenting the person I am today, because by the time the 1st of January is approaching once again in a years time, this very person will be evolved, developed and grown. All but gone. 

So heres some insight into the life of me on the 1st day of January 2018. If you were to meet me today, I would be wearing a ‘California, Palm Springs’ Emerald green vintage road trip tee (picked up in a Melbourne op shop), cut off trackie shorts, high waisted - of course. No shoes, but a wealthy amount of rope anklets I've been continuously weaving since the beginning of summer, accompanied by bright yellow nail polish on my fingers and toes. I guess, I can’t tell what’s more noticeable, the dark abundance of freckles that have accumulated across my forehead and under my eyes or the fact that I haven't washed the salt out in my hair in over week. Some pretty shocking tan lines, 3 henna designs, 4 rope necklaces, 8 rings, 10 piercings, 17 mozzie bites, over a 1000 dreams and one big old hole in my heart knowing they're not coming true anytime soon, but an uncontainable, immeasurable and indestructible amount of faith that everything is going to be just fine, today, this year and for the rest of our lives. Because slowly, I believe, all our dreams are coming true. 


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