
Must everything have a reason? 
Must everyone have an explanation? 
Must everywhere mean something?
Must nothing mean nothing?
When someone asks you whats wrong, and you assure them it's 'nothing'. 9 times out of 10 its something. 
Why when you say 'nothing' you have so many things on your mind, and when you say 'something'.... its an excuse for 'nah, I got nothin.'
How do blank pages speak louder than novels of useless information? 
White lies, 
Black hearts, 
Black clothes and white minds, 
Grey dreams.  
How does a mind set completely change a person? 
How can you try so hard to change and stay exactly the same?
Why does the right thing please people, and we all dream of the 'wrong' things. 
Who made the rules?
Why did we decide it was right to follow the rules? 
What even is the right thing? 
Why are we picked on for being different, awarded for not being the same...When no ones the same?
Why is it so easy to break and 100 times harder to be mended?
Why must there be an answer? 
Must everyone have a reason? 
This is one big 'something' that means nothing. 


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