Melbourne Coffee.

The city of Melbourne. The design capital of Australia, the city of covid, the city of coffee, another city that never sleeps. But why? Well, in Melbourne, from my experience, the nights are not for sleeping, but for making. Making art that spontaneously compiles down the alley ways each morning. Making love. Passionately, vigorously, unconventionally. And making peace, with yourself, with the world, and with the expectations of the day light. Perhaps the real reason the city never sleeps is because we can’t, due to the detrimental amount of caffeine injected into each and every individuals daily routine. But hey, I’m not complaining. There is nothing quite like a good coffee. It’s all about the rush, the steamy flush of a caffeine hit that lingers in your cheeks, the high of running through the night – spray can in hand, red and blue lights flashing, sirens howling. The chemical reaction when 2 bodies touch, an addictive dopamine, sexual electricity. All the things we’re searching when we clutch our morning coffee, and all the feelings we’re hoping for when we take that very first sip. 


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