
Nothing's working out? Nothing goes to plan.
I stare so hard at the books but they don't float in to my hands,
I do the things I love and strive to impress,
But without a fairy godmother I may never get my dress.
I'll sit straight, eat healthy and be mature all I can,
But it's difficult to be responsible when you look up to Peter Pan.
We all wish for a life just like the books,
I've learned that sometimes you should forget about the looks.
Take the time to laugh and appreciate beautiful things,
Because not every princess needs all the bling.
Be who you are, say what you think,
Life can pass as quick as a blink.
Who stumbled down the steps and lost her shoe?
She thought everything was over, just like you.
So when you're stuck in a rabbit hole just think about...
Maybe not everything is suppose to work out.



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