life is small moments

every time you blink you miss a small moment in time and every time you sleep, you miss hours of life, but just the same, so many people miss life with their eyes wide open. By not noticing or grasping the opportunities right in front of their face. Getting caught up in gaining, achieving and growing, all of a sudden it blinds you from a beautiful thing. That thing is a miracle, it's sometimes warm, it's sometimes cold. It freezes your fingertips and touches each individual strand of hair on your head. It makes you feel, it makes you crash and break and burn and in just a small moment, it is capable of turning your sad into happy, changing your ordinary to extraordinary, your empty to overflowing. Until you're filled with love and passion and appreciation. It's called life. The constant and uncontainable, unrecordable moments that occur around you every second. These small moments give you all the power you need to be truly happy, if you would just remember to stop and embrace the power bursting from inside of you.


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