those days

Some nights, you feel more than others. Some nights you fall asleep quickly escaping the unintended stress you put on yourself leaving no room for any other feelings. But some nights, your heart bursts open, you sit in the bottom of the shower as your feelings pour out your chest and fog up the glass, and for one small second the rest of the word washes down the drain with the rest of the wasted water running directly to the drain because you've been sitting there for just a little too long. Some days music is just music, other days, every word tells you how to feel, each rise in tempo reminds you of a time when you fell in love and the conclusion of each song brings a sudden feeling of security and relief, like you're not alone, and you have survived this far. Some mornings, your friends are just the people you recognise the most, but some mornings, some special mornings, your friends are the people who hold your life together, the faces that make your day worth persisting and the company that gets you out of bed each break of day.
Appreciate the moments you let the conventions of the everyday world turn to dust settling in the carpet, appreciate that feeling of refreshment when all your feelings are left on the walls of the shower, appreciate the music that makes you feel like life is worth living and most of all appreciate the people who stick by you, who understand you and truly, purely love you. These are the things that make my life a beautiful one.


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